The Lake of the Woods Subdivion Indentures are being revised. Click here for a copy of the PROPOSED Indentures 10-5-2022.pdf to review.
These PROPOSED indentures were reviewed at the Nov. 3. 2022 annual meeting. You can view the Powerpoint presentation on the PROPOSED Indentures here. The PROPOSED Indentures and a BALLOT will be mailed to each home in the Lake of the Woods Subdivsion (385 houses) in early November. Each house has ONE vote to whether or not to approve or reject the new indentures. Voting will remain open until sufficient votes are received. If you have any questions, please contact Dave Menschke at 773-688-8535 or you are new to the subdivision or have misplaced your copy of the Indentures, please click on link below to view/download a copy:
All residents are urged to cooperate and adhere to the indenture by-laws.
The subdivision trust indentures sets out the physical boundaries of the subdivision, describes the responsibilities and powers of the association and details the rules and procedures by which the subdivision operates. Indentures are in place to protect the aesthetics and value of a neighborhood. Indentures are legally binding recorded documents recognized by the State of Missouri and with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds office.
Indentures also dictate the process for electing subdivision trustees. Working under the constraints of the indentures, trustees are responsible for the enforcement of the indentures, trustees oversee the collection of annual and special assessments and oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the subdivision's common amenities.
Here are some reminders:
If you are considering any new construction, additions or modifications of existing exterior structures or changes in fences, decks, sunrooms, etc., you need to obtain prior approval from the trustees. You are required to submit plans to the trustees PRIOR to commencement of work.
ALL TRAILERS, BOATS, CAMPERS AND MOTOR HOMES must be parked in the garage or in the rear of your home.
No chain link fences.
The following are not part of the indentures, but are good neighbor reminders:
All pets should be on a leash and care should be taken to clean up after them.
If you need to park vehicles on the street, be sure to park in front of YOUR OWN RESIDENCE and be careful not to block mail boxes or impair other residents from backing out of their driveway.
Do not trespass on homeowner's property.