Welcome to the Lemay Woods/Lake of the Woods subdivision site. We hope you find the site useful whether you are a current resident or a future one.


Here is how to reach the current trustees and their area of responsibilities. If one trustee is unavailable for immediate response, any trustee can assist anyone on any issues that might arise.

Jack Berhorst
3533 Sorrel Tree Ln.
ph 314-973-0556
Second term expires Fall 2025

Dave Meschke
5837 White Pine
ph 773-688-8535
Second term expires Fall 2027

Paul Winkler
Common Grounds
5722 Mango Drive
ph 314-221-8457
Second term expires Fall 2027

Libby Quinonez
5855 Mango Drive
ph 314-681-8507
Second term expires Fall 2027


How to Become a Trustee

The number of trustees shall be (5) in number and must be a homeowner. The term of each trustee shall be for a period of three (3) years commencing on the date of his/her election. NO TRUSTEE shall be entitled to serve more than three (3) consecutive terms of office. Trustees are not paid.

The subdivision community elects the trustees to their positions on a rotating basis at the annual subdivision meeting. The annual subdivision meeting is on the second Thursday in October. To submit your name as a candidate, all you need to do is send a letter to the trustees and state why you are interested and tell them a little bit about yourself.