Welcome to the Lemay Woods/Lake of the Woods subdivision site. We hope you find the site useful whether you are a current resident or a future one.

The Pool


The Lemay Woods/Lake of the Woods pool is free of charge to RESIDENTS ONLY in good standing. It is located at 5708 White Pine.

Within the pool grounds you will find a snack shack, (a covered area with picnic tables and vending machines), a pool house which includes womens and mens restrooms, clerk desk and microwave. A small pool strictly for babies and toddlers and a large pool with a diving board.

Outside the pool proper are the playground, the basketball court, and grassy field suitable for kite flying, ball throwing, general relaxation.

The park area is closed 30 minutes after sunset until sunrise. The park is for Lemay Woods/Lake of the Woods RESIDENTS ONLY and their guests only. Trespassers will be prosecuted.

The pool is open Memorial Day weekend in May through Labor Day weekend in September.

2024 Lifguard Staffing and Pool Hours

We have decreased our lifeguard staffing from 3 to 2 lifeguards per shift and will implement adult swim when necessary to give our guards a break. Our hours will be the following:


May 25 through August 18, 2024:

Monday to Thursday - 11am to 8pm
Friday - 11am to 9pm
Saturday - 10am to 9pm
Sunday - 10am to 8pm

August 2024:

22 & 29 (Thurs) - 4 to 8pm
23 & 30 (Fri) - 4 to 9pm
Saturday - 10am to 9pm
Sunday - 11am to 8pm

Sept 2024:

1st - 10am to 9pm
2nd - 10am to 8pm

Easy Pool Pass

To sign in, visit easypoolpass.com , then go to "Get Daily Pool Pass." On the next screen, enter facility code VVO5 (letter V, letter V, letter O, number 5) and your phone number, then click "Get Daily Pass." You show this to the pool attendant. Your account will not be active if your dues are not current.

Pro Pool Management

Pro Pool will manage the pool this year. That means the lifeguards and front desk clerks will be under Pro Pool.

Pool and Guest Passes

We use a website based digital pool pass / check-in system called Easy Pool Pass. When the pool opens you will check in and check out using your smartphone same as last year.

Daily guest passes are $5 per person, per visit. All residents will initially receive 10 free guest passes at the beginning of the season. Date and time of that pick up to be determined. Please note that this year all payments must be exact cash and no change will be provided.

Age limit for children is 26 or they must provide valid proof of residency in our subdivision.

All RESIDENTS in Lemay Woods / Lake of the Woods in good standings with their annual assessment will be granted entry to the pool. Any resident that has NOT PAID their subdivision dues and ALL LATE FEES will not have their pass activated. Passes will not be activated until dues are received and the check has cleared the bank. You MUST submit your dues to Sterling Management Solutions, 1324 Clarkson Clayton Ctr #313, Ellisville, MO 63011, (314) 287-0541, email: angie@sterlingmanagementsolutions.com, or pay online: https://propertypay.cit.com.

Easy Pool Pass Instructions FOR NEW RESIDENTS

Click the link Here: Easy Pool Pass This link will go straight to our subdivision sign up.

Enter facility code VVO5 (letter V, letter V, letter O, number 5) and click the Continue box.

On the next page you should see Lake of the Woods at the top. Follow the instructions to create one account per household and fill in each box. Enter the primary names of the household (Example: Last, First Name – Doe, Jane and John), your address, and enter the cell phone number for the primary adult user of the pool. The cell number used will be your sign in number. Once completed then click the Send Request box.

The requests will be sent to the trustee administrator who will approve each account. If your subdivision dues have not been received and cleared the bank you will not be approved.

Guest passes are availabe at the pool at a date and time to be announced on the subdivision website and Facebook. Once all your household guest passes are used you will be required to pay $5 per person, per visit for guests. Please note that this year all guest pass payments must be exact cash and no change will be provided.

By creating an online account for pool passes you are accepting that you have read and will abide by the Pool Rules.

The trustee administrators reserve the right to unapprove an account for entry due to abuses of the system or for temporary banning due to conduct at the pool.

Pool Rental Discontinued

The private pool rental has been discontinued.

Security Cameras

We have two day/night video cameras. This will help to detour all possible threats. And violators will be prosecuted.

Swim Team

The Lemay Woods / Lake of the Woods Swimming Team is a summer recreation league whose main purpose is to provide an opportunity for our resident youth to participate in fun, but challenging, swimming competitions.

The Lemay Woods / Lake of the Woods Swim team will be holding their meets at the pool. The Swim Team Banquet Party will be announced and posted. All practices and Swim Team use of the pool will be held before regularly scheduled hours of operation.

Swim Team information is available for the 2024 swim season. Please contact lakeofthewoodsswimteam@gmail.com or visit their website at lotwstlouis.swimtopia.com. Please only contact the Swim Team with Swim Team questions.

Swim Lessons

Swim lessons are taught by Pro Pool, and the sign up information will be posted in the pool house as it becomes available.

Pavilion Reservation Rules and Details

The pavillion is available for rental. Rental fee is $25, payable by check made out to Lemay Woods, Lake of the Woods. Rental is available in four hour time slots. It is first come, first serve on those days.

The guest fee is $5.00 each. Each guest will be required to wear an arm band identifying him or her as a guest. (All rules apply; e.g., members must accompany their guests).

Make your reservations at the pool desk with the admissions clerk.

2024 Pool Rules

We strive to make the pool and the other surrounding areas, a clean and fun environment for all residents and their guests to enjoy. Please read the rules and regulations below...

Lifeguards are on duty for your safety, but parents are still responsible for the conduct of their children.

  1. All persons entering pool and pool grounds must obey the instructions of the lifeguards. The lifeguard shall restrict activities that may be potentially unsafe. Decisions of the lifeguards are final.
  2. Admission to the pool is limited to residents and their guests. Residents must check in with the online pass system and accompany any guest(s) at all times while in the pool area.
  3. On holidays and holiday weekends residents are limited to 5 guests per visit.
  4. Children 14 and under must be supervised at all times by a parent, guardian or babysitter 17 or older. Babysitters may use the family pass to bring children under their care but use of the pass is only allowed when accompanying resident children.
  5. Children 14+ may be required to show proof of age/ID.
  6. Children under 12 shall take a swimming test and wear a wristband showing with their skill level per posted program outline prior to using the pool.
  7. Only swimming apparel will be allowed in the pool.
  8. Smoking, including electronic smoking devices permitted outside of the pool fence line, 10 feet away from fence and entrance.
  9. No pets in the pool or pool area.
  10. Bicycles and skateboards are not allowed in the facility.
  11. Glass containers are not allowed anywhere on the grounds.
  12. Profanity, improper behavior, and intoxication are not allowed.
  13. Horseplay, running, shoving, dunking is not allowed.
  14. Only children that reside in your home are allowed and are 25 and under are allowed to be on your pool pass.
  15. Flotation devices shall remain in shallow water. All flotation devices are at the lifeguard’s discretion.
  16. Diving is allowed only in designated areas. No diving or flips except in the diving area of the pool.
  17. Diving board rules: a.) Only one person on diving board at a time b.) Only one spring, no double bounces c.) Dive only from the front of the board, forwards not sideways d.) Always check the diving area to be sure it is clear prior to diving e.) No handstands or sitting on diving board f.) May not jump off with floatation device g.) No ”gainors” (forward jump with a back flip)
  18. Only authorized personnel on lifeguard stand.
  19. Oily type suntan lotions will not be permitted in the pool area.
  20. Candy wrappers, cigarette butts and miscellaneous waste materials are to be placed in the proper disposal containers provided.
  21. Damage to the swim club property, including trees and shrubbery, will not be permitted and any resident that shall cause damage shall have access revoked.
  22. The pool may be closed for maintenance purposes, health conditions, weather, or any other reason deemed sufficient by the pool manager and/or Trustee.
  23. All residents shall drive slowly and carefully on the driveway and approaching within the parking area of the pool.
  24. Weather may prevent swimming or use of the facility. This is at the lifeguard’s discretion for the safety of our residents.
  25. All throwing of objects, such as tennis balls, Frisbees or rocks, are not allowed. Only pool toys are allowed in and around the pool.
  26. Pavilion rental is $25.00 and it is available in 4 hour time slots. Pavilions are not available for rental on holidays; they are first come first take on holidays.